Art Advisory
Roman Feral, often known as The Butterfly Magician, is a renowned Parisian artist with a captivating style that melds high fashion with the delicate beauty of nature. Born on April 20, 1990, in the City of Lights, Feral has built his reputation on transforming French luxury icons, like Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Dior, Hermès, and Cartier, into masterpieces that seem to defy the laws of nature. His art, mesmerizing and spellbinding, draws inspiration from French culture, the allure of luxury brands, and the enchanting beauty of nature, creating a fusion of opulence and natural grace that has found resonance in the international art scene.
54x48x42 cm | 21x18x16 in
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50x40x40 cm | 19x15x15 in
37x27x27 cm | 14x10x10 in