Face to Face with an Ostrich

In Angelo Accardi's art, an ostrich has emerged as a notable symbol and a faithful companion. Exhibiting grace yet occasionally showcasing aggression, this bird serves as a messenger from the fantasy realm. The ostrich, a creature of the world, intriguingly finds itself in environments where one might initially perceive it as out of place. However, this very contradiction embodies the essence of Accardi's surrealism, wherein no element does not belong; rather, our perceptual constraints often hinder our acceptance of unorthodox combinations.

In Accardi's piece, 'Conor Fighting,' an ostrich stands in the foreground, riveting the viewer with its gaze. The interpretation of this gaze is subjective, dependent on the observer's subconscious. It might reflect curiosity, vigilance, even aggression, or some entirely different sentiment, serving as a portal to the surreal world Accardi has crafted. This perspective can also be flipped, with the ostrich stepping out from the art and into our reality. The magic of art, as demonstrated by Accardi, lies in its capacity to be viewed differently by each observer, sparking the imagination and propelling it to soar.

Venturing deeper into Accardi's dreamlike universe of ostriches and avant-garde art, we encounter 'Vertical Balance' This artwork provides a simple yet profound connection through time and space; Accardi's unique interpretations of Bruce Lee's portrait gains an additional layer of surrealism with the seemingly absurd presence of an ostrich. This unexpected element disrupts the boundaries of reality, encouraging viewers to interact with these masterpieces on an entirely new level. As one explores Accardi's works, one steps into his world of dreams and fantasies, discovering their subconscious and timeless connections within it.

Accardi's self-portrait 'Angelo and Friends' is another interesting piece, where he incorporates his image alongside both deceased and living celebrities from diverse fields and eras. Suddenly, the ostrich is no longer the most peculiar element. Accardi masterfully uses a consistent color palette across his works to make even the most whimsical aspects appear real and welcoming. It's his sincere hope that this subtle provocation will disrupt the mundane, granting his viewers a refreshing escape into the realm of fantasy, if only momentarily.

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